What To Expect

As this is a specialized intermediate program, the workouts will start at a higher level than my beginner-friendly program FUNCTION, with the main focus being on establishing better dynamics & endurance. As the levels progress, there will be a greater focus on resistance training and plyometrics [jumping, essentially] to increase power & explosivity, two crucial elements for most athletes. Here you can see the stages of a basic plyometric model applied to Tricking with freeze frames of me doing a Touchdown Raiz → Double Corkscrew.

Although it has been found that resistance training and plyometrics produce similar results in hypertrophy training, plyometric training will better condition the joints and endurance for the physical demands of Martial Arts and Tricking. Many of the exercises will build upon the foundations of previous levels (linear progressions), however there will also be new exercises and techniques introduced periodically.

I’ve tried to make everything as streamlined as possible, but unfortunately there is no single path through all of Martial Arts; the upside of this, though, is that there will be a lot of opportunity for exploration and specialization!

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