Program Introduction
Welcome to a new fitness adventure!
Congratulations on taking this first step towards becoming stronger, healthier, and more active version of you! Whether you've decided to go through with this program because you want to be a better athlete, want to try something new, or just want to have fewer aches and pains when you move, you've started off on the journey of a lifetime (because our bodies are with us for our whole lives). Above all else, this program is meant to be a:
- resource for you to add to your knowledge center
- foundation for better exercise habits, regardless of experience
- engaging way to take charge of your physical health
Check out the introduction videos below to get a feel for what's in store for you!
Introduction (transcription):
“Hello and welcome to our Mobility + Strength Program from the F808Z DOJO!
- I’m Sam, AKA F808Z, I'm a NASM certified PT (personal trainer) and I’ve been tricking & bboying for 12 years, teaching myself martial arts for 6 years, and for the last 4 years, I've been a professional stuntman. I’ve had more than my fair share of injuries over my athletic career, and a couple years back I had to get my first corrective surgery after tearing my ACL and menisci. I’ve rehabbed many of my own injuries in the past, but this was the first time I had to actually see a PT (physical therapist) and revolutionize my whole training regimen to recover properly. Luckily for me, I had Johnny here to help me out.
- Hi, I’m Johnny Nguyen, Johnny Woodstock, a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a diverse movement background in martial arts, breaking, weight training, and tricking. It's my goal is to be your trusted resource for managing aches and injuries, building confidence in your unique movement style, and optimizing your performance through systematic training. I believe in cultivating resilience through movement, and I’m here to help you thrive during your journey."